In the entrance examination of the Ministry of Science, I scored 90 in general psychology and 120 in clinical, but in the end I was accepted to Iran University with a rank of 45 in mental health. I graduated.
I was accepted in this university with a rank of 446 in the sub-department of psychology, and now when I look at it, I see that the environment of no university is as beautiful as Khwarazmi.
I have been dealing with literature and psychology for many years and I think that characters have a narrative with which they give meaning to their lives, but they are biased against the narratives of other people, or they have narratives of their lives that can be interpreted in a different way. also saw For this reason, I try to present materials on this site and elsewhere so that we can manipulate our narratives about ourselves and others to prevent psychological and social traumatic events from happening.
اهداف و افکار ما ادمها همه چیز ماست طوری که با آنها نفس میکشیم و روزهایمان را میگذرانیم. ما طوری زندگی میکنیم انگار که مردان از زنان برترند، انگارکه بدی حکمفرماست و.. .. . این انگارکه ها واقعیت ندارد اما ما جوری زندگی میکنی انگارکه آنها واقعی هستند به عبارت دیگر ما آنها را واقعی میکنیم. سایت انگار که در تلاش است با ارائه مطالب در حوزه سلامت روان تا حدی به آگاهی عمومی از این انگار که ها و روایت ها کمک بکند تا بتوانیم جنبه های دیگری از این روایت ها را ببینیم و کمی به واقعی بودن آنها شک کنیم..
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